Sunday 6 October 2013

Drawing, playing, gardening....

This is what we've spent most of our time doing for the past week....and we're all loving it!!!

Lots of drawing and cutting, and stickering and gifting me special cards that are all cellotaped up. It's so cute when they get all engrossed in their little crafty stuff at the table. It's usually a good half an hour of quiet and happy sissy play.


Faith found this ad for coffee and wanted to make a poster about how coffee is bad for our bodies

How did we survive in our flat for 4 years, with 2 children and NO outside play?!?!?!?!

This is the state of the girls room (this is probably a good shot of it) because Ella gets changed (from top to toe) about 5 times a day

Dinner outside cause the weathers still so nice and sunny and warm at 5pm....long may it last

Just needed to capture evidence that I cleaned the garage last week.....also long may it last!!!!


  1. Is Seth walking Mell?! You didn't tell me!!!!!

  2. Oh cool Seffy man you're wearing Maccy's jammies :) What time of the day is that shot Mell?? Has he been in them all day lol. Holiday's are pretty cool aye - oh & daylight savings too. Haha love Ella & all her quirkiness - wonder how many outfit changes there'll be a day when she's a teenager??!!
