Friday 25 October 2013

Reception class finished up today :(

 My little Faithy had her last day in the reception class today. Now she's off to her class for the rest of the year.....Room 19 in the Anawhata Pod (dark blue t-shirts). She's excited and a little bit nervous but I know she'll do fine and fit in like nothing, just like she has for the past 5 weeks in Room 4.

Yesterday afternoon I said we'd go and buy her teachers a present at the mall and she insisted on choosing some special treats for them at the supermarket. They ended up with a big juice, kingsize chocolate bar, strawberries, grapes, and chips!

On Wednesday afternoon this week I had a little parent interview with her teacher to get her first school report and everything was positive....almost.....everything except the snails pace at which she writes!!!!! Now she gets told by me every morning 'stay focused when you're doing your story and don't daydream and look at what everyone else is doing ok!!!!' I know exactly what the teacher means....reading she's keen on and adding numbers is fun. When it comes to writing, it's like getting water from a stone.

And to top off her brilliant start to school and before her move to a new pod, this afternoon was the annual junior school 'Spring Fling' aka Folk Dancing Extravaganza. About 200 kids did folk dances for half an hour or so, and there was probably about the same amount of parents crowded around the side of the courts with cameras flashing. Faithy was the leader a couple of times with a big smile spread across her face......made even bigger when she saw her Dad had made it home from work early to come and watch.

Have I mentioned before how much of a blessing it is to be working at Summerland?.....I can't even believe it. For the money yes, but also for being able to be a part of the school and develop a connection with the teachers and see my baby girl so often (morning, morning tea, lunch, and 15 seconds after the 3 o'clock bell!!!)

So far....soooooo good!

Spring Fling bracelet

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute in your uniform Poddy Pod :) Love you lots xxx
