Monday 21 October 2013

Pallet Herb Garden Project

It's that time of the year again when I attempt to establish a good, healthy & most of all 'fruitful' vege garden. Last week I worked fulltime and each afternoon I planned to go straight from school to the plant barn to buy supplies before heading home with my babies. Every afternoon something else came up, so I only managed to do it on Friday. Paperwork that had been sitting around for 2 years needed to be filed, a baby with an upset tummy had to be picked up urgently and we needed groceries much more than I needed to get a start on the garden....unfortunately!

While Faith and I wandered around the potted colour and vege punnets, I had a brilliant idea that would finally utilize the wooden pallet that I made my husband get off the side of the road probably almost a year ago. Man was I chuffed that I had found a use for it.....occasionally he has a dig at me about wanting a pallet and then leaving it leaning up the garage for the better part of a year! I just knew that it would eventually come in handy. Pinterest is fully of recycling pallet ideas.....

Well, now between the 2 of idea and his handywork, we've got ourselves a recycled wood pallet/herb garden right outside our front door. And oh my goodness is my husband a perfectionist or what. I expected he'd whip it up in half an hour, but not long after we started talking about it I realised it was going to take a whole lot longer. I ended up with a great finished product buy luckily I wasn't in a hurry. It took him abut 4 hours to get the wood done (even though all he had to do was knock off 2 pieces of wood and nail them on in different places), and then another couple of hours to staple in the plastic. Adding the hooks at the top was probably another hour! Then I took over and planted....which took me all of 20 minutes!!! But in all seriousness, he's really slow, but Daddy Joe does a good job in anything he puts his name to.

Now to get the herbs flourishing and it will really have been a success!

This is what Seth gets up to when I say for FHE we're working in the garden

Faith was a brilliant helper, digging me little holes so I could plant our seedlings

I'll take a photo in a month or two and hopefully it'll be a booming herb's got mint, parsley, coriander, sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano, chives, dill, fennel & basil. My goal is that I won't have to buy herbs anymore. I hate it when I really want to do a recipe and it uses 2 or 3 different herbs and they all cost $3 each for a little cutting.
 And for the rest of the garden I've got loads of tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber, chillis, capsicum, courgette, pumpkin, rhubarb, gherkins. We're going to make a real effort to water them and encourage them to grow with lovey talk (which reminds me of the rice experiment) because I want to have my best vege season ever this year!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Good work guys! I've always thought we don't have the room for anything like this but we could totally do this one! If were staying in our place I'm definitely getting Pete onto that
