Monday 7 October 2013

Shopping with Dad?!?!?!?!

Last week I went out to see Dad arrive home from the hospital and then go to a friend's birthday. I'd been looking forward to both things for days and as much as I wanted to gap it as soon as my hardworking husband got home, I got dinner done for everyone and bathed Seth. Just as I was about to put him in bed, Daddy Joe came in and said 'don't put him in bed, we're going out, I'll need their carseats'. Where on earth would they be going at 7pm on a Thursday night?

Turns out he wanted to go to the Warehouse and Kmart to check out the price of bikes. Now that Ella wants to ride the bike with training wheels on, and Faith rides it with them off, it's time for a new bike. No more on and off with the trainers!

So after a great girly night with friends and Aunty Nae, I arrived home at midnight half expecting to see a newly assembled bike in the lounge. Nope!

Instead Faith woke me up the next morning with gigantic roller blades in her hands. And I mean huge. I can even fit them! Seth had a new helmet, both the girls had knee pads, elbow pads and wrist guards and we have new black tyres to put on 1 bike.

Daddy Joe didn't solve the 1 bike problem which I'm anticipating will remain, however he has added a new activity, hopefully safe and injury free. So far she's spent about 3 or 4 hours a day on them each day so I'm not complaining

I've often said to Daddy Joe that I'd like him to get/buy things for our children sometimes. Partly because I think it's cute for a Dad to shop for things with or for his children, and partly because then it's not always me buying things!

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