Tuesday 1 October 2013

Heke Family Tokens System

Last year I made a reward system called 'tokens'. Basically for good behaviour you're awarded tokens and when the jar's full we get to do a fun family activity together. Last year Faith got a trip to snow planet out of it.

After that, we fizzled out on the whole plan.....as is often the case with things of this nature I think.

Anyways, about a month ago I re-instated the tokens jar and we're working towards a family trip to the pools (Parakai)

The girls can get tokens for using good manners, saying sorry, sitting nicely at the dinner table (we really need incentives for that around here), being obedient, doing a good bedtime, getting dressed without fuss.

Looks like we're about half way there, so it might take us another month and we'll be heading off to the pools. I reckon that's alright.....2 months of effort = family reward.


  1. Seth's must not count coz he could fill it by himself in a couple of days lol (I didn't actually lol but it's a fo way to finish off a comment)
