Saturday 19 October 2013

Stuff lately x 2

I accidentally posted this post and then deleted it, so here's a shorter version of what I had...

One day in the holidays I told Faith I would take her and Seth to the pools. I asked her not to tell Ella because she was going to miss out (it was her kindy day). Needless to say, she told Ella and to my surprise, this is how Ella got out of the car at kindy. Really excited for us to go swimming without her....and excited for when it's her turn and Faith's at school

Did this little critter love the pools or what?!?!?!

Straight home from the pools at about midday and straight into the lounge to make a bed on the floor

I scored this dinner highly, but the girls weren't impressed. Pumpkin, spring onions, parmesan cheese and pinenuts are yuck according to both of them

Thankfully this one went down better. A much healthier twist on one of our family favourites....creamy, cheesy fettucine. This was made with chicken (marinated with thyme, rosemary and lemon juice). The sauce was cheese sauce but instead of lots of milk and cheese it was chicken stock and a bit of parmesan. So nice....the kids all loved the cherry tomatoes as usual

Everything Ella started saying was 'big this'  'big that'. She obviously doesn't like small things!
I'm still holding out hope we'll be able to get a trampoline for Christmas, but if that doesn't end up working out, I've got a few ideas from their lists that should see us through. Although I think Faith's going to get goggles next week because I've bribed her with getting them if she does her sacrament talk for the primary presentation. Will blog about that next Sunday night!

1 comment:

  1. Cutie pie Ella @ being so excited Pod & Seffy were going to the pools :) Love that big cheesy smile! Oh man, I'm holding out hope you guys'll get a tramp too! Wish we could!
