Wednesday 23 October 2013

Ella's new 'do'

Yesterday when Ella had her bath, I caught her cutting her hair. Thankfully I got to her quickly and grabbed the scissors off her before too much damage was done. She cried when I took them off her and said she wanted hair like Aunty Beezy!!!! We talked to Aunty Beezy on skype a little while later and had a good laugh about it and I thought that was the end of it.

Fast forward a few hours later, and when we thought the girls had been asleep for an hour or so, Daddy Joe walked down the hallway, gasped and called me to come quickly.

What did I see?

A big pile of hair on the carpet, and more strewn across the bathroom floor.

I quickly but also hesitantly walked down the hallway to see the damage. As soon as she rolled over and sleepily looked at us, I broke down crying!!!!! My daughter had butchered her cute, curly, unruly, baby hair. She looked at me confused about why on earth I'd come into her room, looked at her and cried, then hid under her blankets. When I pulled them off her face, she was crying too. What a moment!!!!! I scooped her out of her bed and cried with her in my arms and then explained why I was so upset.

In the light of day it's now sad and very funny at the same time.

Enjoy the evidence from the day after the night before (oh, and you can see the drawing on her skin that was 'because I want tattoos Mum')

 Trust me, it's funnier in real life. But no one can laugh at her about it cause after crying last night and laughing about it today, she said to me 'Mum, is my hair sad or funny?'

I thought surely tonight she'd go to sleep and do good behaviour, but no. Just before sitting down to type this I found her down the hallway at the bookshelf with my makeup bag applying loads of eye shadow and mascara (on her face and singlet)

Give me strength.....and patience!!!!!!!


  1. lol lol i can't wait to see it in person. she is such a crack that kid!!! love her! x
