Thursday 10 October 2013

Holiday Playdates

Over the 2 week school holidays we were popular enough to have 6 playdates with 6 different groups of friends!!!! I'm sure some people have enough friends to do that day after day, but 6 was cool for us.

Our first one was with some Sherwood friends in Dairy pics :(

2 days later we were off  to Val's place for a Mums group playdate...also no pics :(

Then the very next day we met up with Hayley and Naomi at Normanton Park in Glenfield with their little ones.

4th up we met at Lincoln Road McDonalds to see 3 of Faith's old Kindy friends.


Of course we did the regular school holiday play at Shepherd's Park in BeachHaven with the Leones, Halls, Bennetts and Murrays.


And last but certainly not least, we got to see Aunty Jill, Steph and the kiddies who were up in Auckland/Hamilton briefly for temple week. Sooo cool to see them and especially meet Timmy for the first time! It was Seth's first time at Chipmunks and he was a real trooper, pretty much entertaining himself all over the place for over 2 hours.

Faith had a sleepover at Aunty Nae's last night, and tonight we've got Mac. He was so cute helping me put Seth in bed a little earlier. He helped me sing his goodnight song and really wanted to sleep in the cot with him!

As I finish this post, these 3 critters are drawing pictures for me at the table (with a whole lot of silly talk and giggling going on)......They're all fed, bathed and we're going to watch a movie when they get tired of drawing. Hopefully that'll lead nicely into an easy, quick and quiet's so cool to watch the cuzzies have heaps of fun together!

Gosh I'm thankful for good friends, and I mean that for my chidlren and myself. We're blessed with a few special ones and I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Ditto to that! It's been a cool holidays catching up with cool friends :) Little bit sad that it's almost over but only 1 more term to go till Christmas!!!
