Thursday 24 October 2013

Seffy Sunny Man

Wearing a cap for the first time ever and checkn' himself out in the mirror

Seth is almost 16 months and he is developing such a little character.

Here's some things he does these days

1. Bedtime is still 6 o'clock, even though it's light and even though the house is usually still full of hustle and bustle. He goes in there and we don't hear from him again until about 7am. Is he a dream baby or what?!?!?!?!

2. He tries to join in with his bedtime song 'I am a child of God' by rambling on....daba daba daba

3. If I get his shoes and socks he knows to sit down and put his feet up for me

4. He loves to go swimming, especially lie down on his tummy in shallow water and kick his feet up, like what he's doing in the bath below (but at the pools he's got his cute little butt covered!!!)

 5. He knows when it's bedtime and I come towards with his milk bottle so he runs away from me laughing and completely cracks up when I catch him, at which point he grabs the bottle and slides back into my arm to start drinking.

6. If someone has something he wants (eg. lollypop or ball) he'll squeal and throw a tanty, sometimes  dropping on the floor and rolling back and forth until he gets what he wants. Stink thing for him is that we think it's funny so we laugh at his performance before doing anything about it

Somehow yesterday he managed to get himself up onto the girls drawers while no one was with him

Excuse the mess in the room, this was before the bedroom makeover that took us all about an hour to do.....why on earth was there so much stuff under their bunks?!?!?!

7. Seth loves to have someone in the room with him. If I'm putting away washing, he'll follow me to each room, start playing while I put things in drawers and then as soon as I walk out he follows me to the next one. Cute to have a little shadow, but sometimes I'd love him to just settle into playing and forget about needing someone else there

Testing out the ride-ons at the new Mitre 10 in New Lynn where Dad did a couple of days work for our old neighbour

8. We often communicate to eachother by squeezing our eyes closed. He watches me do it, then I watch him do it and we keep going back and forth.

9. Seth loves to play with eye brows. He points his little finger and zeros in on eyebrows all the time. Or is it just mine that he finds fascinating?

10. His new (and annoying) favourite thing to do is climb on one of the chairs at the table, get on the table and then climb into his highchair. I haven't figured out how to stop him from doing it yet. Even though he fell off once (badly) in that process a few night ago, it hasn't deterred him.

Seffy Son, you're a pretty fun dude to be around.....99% of the time. I could trade you in about 10 minutes before dinner is ready though cause you get pretty wild when you've got a hungry puku and you're wanting me to put you in the highchair for food!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are sooooo cute Seffy man! Love your gorgeous smile & your smiley eyes to match :) You're turning into such a big boy now!! xx
