Tuesday 8 October 2013

Saturday with NO fixed plans....the best!!!!

On Friday last week I realised that the following day, Saturday, we had no plans....nothing. Nowhere to be, nothing to do, no timeframes, no schedules. We were free to potter around and do our own things all day.

As much as I love playdates, parties, baptisms, temple trips etc, it was so so so good to chill out at home with my hubby and kiddies.

I slept in (surprise surprise) and the kids messed up a storm in the lounge while watching a DVD with their Dad. Once I got up we got to work outside on prepping the garden for planting in the next week or two, and getting the bbq back in working order. A little trip out to Daddy Joe worksite in Titirangi finished off the afternoon and then back home for a Barbie.

Such a productive and easy going day, would love to have days like that more often.

Ella was fascinated by the big slugs, snails. slaters, skinks, worms that we unearthed.

Yes, that's Seth in jammies again, probably at about 2 in the afternoon!

Good ol' Kiwi Sausie sizzle for dinner. Not sure about the nutrition, but it was pretty yummy

By the end of the day Ella was in a real state.....the face had tomato sauce smeared all over it, and she was wearing my bra, togs from friends of ours, a skirt of Faith's and Seth's jacket. No wonder we had such a saga with her hair the following morning. Will save that for another post!

To finish off the day Faith broke our chalk table by dancing on it.....

And then Ella smashed a plate on the deck....actually she'd already smashed two glass vases on the driveway much earlier in the day (luckily they were being put out in the recycling bin anyways....not that she knew that when she threw them 'to see what would happen!')

Oh, and we got sent this magazine with an article of Daddy Joe.....an 'everyday hero'

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