Monday 14 October 2013

Oct 2013 General Conference

This time round we stayed at home and watched General Conference through the TV (My clever husband made the executive decision the night before to buy apple TV which I was totally happy with). It meant the girls could see and hear what we were watching and be part of it, but they were still able to move around and 'play'. We both got so much more out of it in this way, rather than being at the chapel trying to quieten children and keep an eye on them.

 They played with church books, read friend magazines and mucked around with our Book of Mormon characters. 2 hours flew by pretty fast and before we knew it we were off to the Bradfield's for Matt's 21st Birthday so so fun to catch up some cool friends from our old ward.

Faith found this in the Friend she was looking at.....a family in our old Stake.....such a cool article about how Russell is a good missionary to his friends. Will use it for a FHE lesson soon I think.

The girls were in heaven.....heaps of things to play with, big kids to look after them and a trampoline. I was in heaven catching up with everyone and eating all the yummy food!

And now we've got lots of conference talks to catch up on so we'll do that when the kids go to bed and hopefully have it all done in the next week or 2. I find it cool, and kind of funny that as a child General Conference is one of the most boring things EVER but as an adult, it actually becomes enjoyable to watch and learn. Aunty Nae was saying that they did the thing where you have a lolly jar and the kids get a lolly every time they hear a certain word during a talk. I think the girls are old enough to do that now so we'll definitely do that next time. I think words like Christ, faith, gospel would come up often enough to keep their attention.....anything for a lolly!!!!

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