Saturday 26 October 2013

Primary Presentation Day

Finally, the day we've been waiting for since last year's primary presentation day was here......this year's primary presentaiton!

Faith had quite a difficult part this year and when she first got the slip of paper to pracitse I had major doubts that she'd ever get it.....oh me of little Faith!!!!! She did it perfectly!!!!! Despite getting stuck on 2 words for the last week, a $1 mix bag of lollies did the trick and she got those crinkles ironed out so it was word perfect. Proud Mummy Moment!!!!!

Tomorrow we've got to go and buy her goggles to keep up our end of the bargain, and we might even use our Parakai tickets seeing as it's labour day.

She'd told me she needed to wear a white top so she had a white top on and bright pink skirt, but as soon as we got to the practise this morning I realised EVERY girl had on a beautiful white dress. Thankfully I'd taken the baptism dress along for my nursery lesson so we whipped that on her and she looked so cool!!!! And another little girl had on her Mum's baptism dress that looked quite similar (with exactly the same lace!)

Just after we got set up for Nursery morning tea (marmite sandwiches, my homemade choccie chippie bikkies and apples) the primary leaders came in with these treat bags for all the kids, followed by lemonade iceblocks...What a score!

This was our activity in nursery last week, and it kept Ella occupied for ages. She loved pretending to check if the washing was dry and ready to put back in the basket

And then we come home from church, have lunch and then 'shut up the shop' (which means close the curtains and have a rest)

Love our sunday afternoon routine cause Daddy Joe goes back to Ward council or visiting, I get a roast ready and the kids rest (which is the next best thing to me getting a rest!)

And next year the primary presentation will be even better cause Ella will be part of it as well....once again, I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. So clever beautiful girlies!! Wish we coulda been there to see you do it in sacrament Pod :) You looked so cool in our baptism dress!!! Wonder whether it'll still fit you for your baptism??!
