Thursday 10 October 2013

Hair Updates for Mummy and Ella

Sunday morning as we got ready for church we were faced with an interesting problem. Ella had a huge knot in her hair!

I tried to save it, but after much brushing, conditioner, and effort on my part, we had to do a few snips to remedy the situation.

Lesson girls need their hair brushed and conditioned daily to prevent this from happening again. I'm actually surprised this hasn't happened before with the state that my girl's hair sometimes ends up in!!!!!

Her hair still looks fairly normal for her, but I know that one side's a bit thin on hair compared to the other....oops. Not that she's bothered at all.

And excuse the unphotogenic shot, but I got my hair cut and coloured last week by my talented hubby. I love it for a change....definitely lighter and quicker to maintain. I'll have to take a better shot with a different colour top so it stands out more.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your hair today!! Can't believe how much of Ella's hair had to get chopped!! That was way more than what I thought. It's amazing you can't really tell...I made sure I washed & conditioned Pod's hair tonight cause I didn't wanna be responsible for a dread forming in her hair too!!
