Sunday 8 September 2013

Childhood Memories

Growing up we didn't have money to go to the movies or pools all the time, so we played quite a few board games and watched movies at home (the good old VCR, initially with a remote that had a cord!!!) How many times did we watch Curly Sue and Free Willy?!?! Oh, and we did go to Skateland quite a bit....those were the days!

A few night ago I woke up thinking about an old board game we used to play and that got me reminiscing about quite a few of the old favourites.

Many a fun afternoons playing games on this little beauty....and the best thing was, it was mine!

Would love to get my hands on one of these games but they're on ebay for $40 + another $20 to send!!!....maybe one day

I recently brought the My Little Pony version of this for Faith's birthday but I forgot about it, so it'll come out at Christmas now. Should be good to work on counting

My goodness, these faces are so memorable. I don't think I'll ever forget the names and faces and how I always wanted to be Maria?!?!

I saved this treasure from certain death when Aunty Beezy and Grandie were clearing out a few months ago, so it can live on and be enjoyed a whole lot more. By the looks of the box, it's already been enjoyed for 20+'s in a real state or disrepair/or shall we say it's well-loved


  1. lol to all of those - I thought you still had the "follow me" computer until I realised you got these pics off the net aye?? bummer cause I was all excited to have a go to see if I was just as good as I remember not Maria!! Anita all the way!!

  2. I was about to say if I could play one of these right now it would be the hamburger one. But then I saw the one with the sticks and marbles (what was that called?) and the sega and the choice is way too hard. Good old days alright!!
