Saturday 21 September 2013

It's starting to feel like summer!!!!

Last Sunday after a few days of sicky kids and home confinement, we had a summery BBQ. Just what the Dr ordered!!! I'm so hoping they become a frequent occurrence around here.

We had grilled chicken, hashbrowns (not ideal but I couldn't be bothered peeling spuds and roasting them) and a salad with lettuce, avocado, tomato, carrot, cucumber and eggs (with my homemade dressing from here)

This is how I did the chicken. It's the first time I've done it and wow!!! I loved it!

1/2 C olive oil
1/4 C lemon juice
2 tsp oregano
2 large chicken breasts (sliced in 2 and then halved through the middle so they were thinner)
Score lines along the chicken breast and then leave in the ingredients above for a few hours.

This is a little trick I learned on Pinterest  a while ago about boiling eggs has served me so well that I want it written down. Put eggs into pot with water and turn onto high. As soon as the water boils, turn the element off completely but leave the pot sitting there for 10 minutes. After that, peel the shell off the eggs and they'll be done perfectly. Not underdone, not over done and grey......perfect everytime!

Lil Leff Leff enjoyed investigating the BBQ, with his low-riding pants. Nan gave these pants to Faith as a present and they've gone through Ella and now Seth. Faith wore them as a 6 month old, so I should probably take them out of Seth's drawers now that he's 14 months old!!!
One of my favourite sauces for kebabs, felafel salad, and now grilled lemon/oregano chicken (greek yoghurt and grated cucumber peel)

My yummy yummy homemade dressing. Always a good thing to have on hand in this household. It makes salads full of lettuce go down a whole lot better.

And to really cheer us up out of our housebound blues, lovely Sister Heidi surprisingly turned up with this delicious homemade apricot and peach sponge on Sunday afternoon. She'd heard our family was down and out and thought to do this for us. Yum and so nice to know we were thought of and loved! A wonderful end to the Sabbath and weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so nice of Heidi :) Thanks for the little tip about the eggs. I'll definitely do that from now on. That avocado trick off pinterest has me picking perfect avocado's every time now, so it'll be cool to get perfect eggs now too!
