Sunday 1 September 2013

Stake Junior Primary Activity

Saturday was a busy busy busy day to say the least. We started off with Katene's baptism in the morning, then over to Bishop's to get the chapel key. Home just in time to get re-dressed for the Junior Primary Activity, then straight from there to the chapel to decorate for Faith's party. More on the party will come, but in the meantime here's what happened at the primary activity.

Ella was quite excited to be there and she chose her outfit especially for it (along with her attention getting hip wiggling walk)

We got there a few minutes early so one of the Dad's played a game with the kids that were there. Ella didn't understand the concept of 'in the river/out of the river' but she thought it was so fun to play anyway. We all had a good giggle when they played Simon says and the man said 'pick your nose'.....Poor little Ella was the only obedient one!

The kids went around the hall to different stations as teams and did activities to win treats for their party bags. There were a whole lot of treats there but some of the prizes were crackers and fruit which was cool

So fun to watch my little girlies run around and mix in with the other kids. They're at such a cool age for things like this and when they're both occupied with new and exciting things, that's when there's no behaviour meltdowns about sharing things, and doing things that they're told cause they're too busy running around with their friends.  Thanks to the primary leaders for putting in effort for my little ones.

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