Sunday 1 September 2013

Father's Day

With Faith's party just before Father's day this year (well that happens every year, but this was a big one!), I didn't give much time or effort to planning Father's day :( When Aunty Nae called me on Friday morning asking if I was doing anything for our Dad (Grandie) I started to feel super bad that it was going to be a non-event, so I jumped on the computer and got started on the idea she gave me. Obviously the one for Grandie was butchered by me to make it work, but it's better than nothing right? I've put the girl's responses below to show how they feel about the men in their life at 3 and 5 years old.

Faith about her Dad
My Dad's name is Joseph
He is 26 years old
He is as big as a whale
He has black hair and green eyes
His favourite food is pork & chippies and a banana sandwich with crackers and sauce with fish too
His favourite colour is green
He likes to go to the movies
For fun he likes to go to the movies with us
My favourite thing to do with my Dad is have him take us to bed
I love my Dad because he loves me when I go to school and I'm a big girl 

Ella about her Dad
My Dad's name is Joseph
He is 6 years old
He is as big as Grandie
He has blue hair and polar bear eyes
His favourite food is noodles
His favourite colour is pink
He likes to go to meetings
For fun he likes to play
My favourite thing to do with my Dad is work
I love my Dad because I just love him! 

Faith about her Grandie Kel
My Grandie's name is Carl
He is 50 years old
He is as big as an elephant
He has grey hair and brown eyes
His favourite food is pork
His favourite colour is blue
He likes to go to birthdays with no running around
For fun he likes to see us
My favourite thing to do with my Grandie is go to his house
I love my Grandie because he's my special Grandad

Ella about her Grandie Kel
My Grandie's name is Grandpa Ormsby
He is 5 years old (like Faith)
He is as big as my Daddy like the sky
He has crazy hair and crazy eyes
His favourite food is worms
His favourite colour is pink and white
He likes to go to the meeting
For fun he likes to go for a walk
My favourite thing to do with my Grandie is play
I love my Grandie because I do!

The Dad's in our ward were given little boxes with 3 cookies in them. Cute, and really yummy (I didn't steal my husbands, there were some leftovers and I got one!)
When we got home from church we ordered Dad to bed and told him he had to get into his PJs and have a good sleep. He was reluctant and kept holding onto his phone as if there were much better to do than sleep....what they are/were I'll never know!!!
 Knowing my man, I told him to hurry up and go, and he had to leave his phone with me. I knew if he took it with him he would call someone, text people or read scriptures/conference talks and not have the afternoon sleep we wanted him to have. Once we got  rid of him, we got to whipping up a little Father's Day pressie/card at the same time as making a Roast lamb with potatoes and carrots.

Times like this my poor excuse for a kitchen kills me. The lack of bench space is something I'm used to, but even I found it hard to get a rosat prepared and paint a frame and puzzle pieces all on the same tiny wincy space

My 'helpers' (maybe hinderers!)

They made a bed with blankets and towels from the massive 'washing to fold' baskets, so I put a movie on and typically Ella was out in about 2 minutes

Then it was rosat out/potatoes in

Nek minit - both fast asleep

Lil Bro wanted someone to play with but after last night's party, they weren't have a bar of it, they just rolled over and shooed him away

1st ever lamb and it was sooo yum, not as good as Dad's and Uncle Stanie's with their special seasoning but delicious nonetheless

By the looks of his plate, the Father's day dinner was well receieved, mind you he would pile up a plate full of food even if he didn't really like it....but he kept saying 'yum honey, yum honey' so I guess it was good!

One bone to chew on

This is what he said just before this pic 'One? Give me two mate, these are flippn yum to suck!' Followed by curling them like dumb bells to his Dad's delight

This is the card/art we made for Daddy Joe. Ella walked up behind him saying 'Dad, look' and he didn't even turn around, just said 'Go away Ella, I don't want to be around you' Not long before she'd thrown the tv remote really hard into his eye (hence the gesture to his eye). Eventually he turned around and softened, but still wanted to point out that she's a rough little critter

Ella must have seen his arm up out of the corner of her eye and she thought he was doing a piggy nose so that's what she did! I really like the concept of this present, but because we rushed it so badly, I want to fix it up in so many ways, so I'll either fix this one in the coming days, or he can have a repeat puzzle heart present next year.

And the day was finished off playing (or trying to play) Guess Who. It was quite a hard concept for Faith to get her head around but I'm sure it's a good one for her to learn at this age, so we'll have to do it a bit more

And then a quick go at another game she got for her party, the fishing game (excuse the masses of washing in the background, it's just been folded and put away now). Also another good educational and fun game, you get fish with the magnetic rod and each fish is worth points that you add up at the end.
 Well, hopefully my hubby has had a stress free and enjoyable Father's Day. I love trying to find things to make him feel special and hopefully it's worked. Now he's on the phone to his Dad over in Oz so that'll be a great end to the day for him!


  1. Cool pics. Love the puzzle card. Do you usually fold washing on Sunday? (Just a question out of interest, not a judgement :))

    1. I actually WASHED AND PUT OUT my washing yesterday Aunty Nae. You gonna judge me too?! Haha just kidding ;)

    2. Yeah I do fold washing on Sunday if it's killing me sitting in the basket and it was yesterday. And yesterday I vacuumed too. Would rather not, but I couldn't sit around and look at the floor as it was

  2. Cool pressie! We had lamb too yum yum my fave It's so cute that Seths got two big sissys
