Wednesday 18 September 2013

Grandma Ormsby's happy birthday!

Yesterday was Mum's 58th Birthday. I'm sorry to say I had completely forgotten, it hadn't even crossed my mind until Aunty Nae asked if I was making the special passionfruit sponge. As soon as she said it I was excited to tell the girls so they could get excited about her birthday with me.

I worked yesterday and all day I planned to go straight to the supermarket after school, race home, bake the cake and then shoot back to pick up Ella and Seffy at Stars Kindy. Everything went to custard when my card unexpectedly declined at the checkout!!!!! (All fine, just a little miscalculation on my part). But that meant that Felafel Wraps for dinner were a rush and I just couldn't bring myself to start making the cake at nearly 7 o'clock. I was going to go ahead with it just so I didn't let Mum down, but I knew she'd be thinking 'don't worry Mel, just relax on the couch, watch the Block, and do my cake tomorrow'

So that's what I in bed, blob on couch, and the cake was done today instead. Not ideal but the best I could manage. How do working Mums fit in things like mid-week birthday cakes?

I could easily write 58 things I love about my Mum, but for times sake, I'll just write a few.

1. You are wonderful example to me of patience and love for your children. Even when things must have frustrated you to the hilt with a busy house full of kids, the best you could come up with was 'Shivers!!!' And that was usually if something was broken or spilled or something, not necessarily because of our bad behaviour. I could learn a thing or 2 from that

2. You are stunningly beautiful, at all ages and stages of your life. Young, Young Mum, pregnant, grandma. Even when you were probably tired, frazzled, busy, you were always beautiful.....we have the proof in loads of photos. One of my dreams would be to be as photogenic as you!  I'm so proud to say you're my hot Mumma, even after 9 children!

3.  Your faith and commitment to the Gospel will always inspire me. Even through deaths of not one but 3 children, hard times and finding out about being sick, your faith never waivered. I sometimes shudder to think how I would cope under the circumstances you faced in life, and I guess I'll never know unless they happen to me. As much as I hope and pray they never will, I know I've got such a wonderful example to look to.

Happy late birthday Mumma, I was thinking of you  yesterday (and everyday!)

Ella knows Grandma's not here cause she's in heaven, but when the cake came out she said 'is Grandma coming to our house for her cake?'. She said it with such a straight face as if I'd say 'yes, she'll be here in a minute'  I wish!!!!

Oh no, Ella thought Faith blew out the candles, even though they both leaned in and did it at exactly the same time

Never fails to please

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