Monday 2 September 2013

Faith's Circus/Dance/5th Birthday Party

We've finally had Faith's circus/dance party!!!! It was sooo cool. The rec hall at the chapel was pumping/crazy/noisy. From my point of view I wondered if we'd made a mistake to have so many people come, but in the days since the party I've been told by lots of Mums that their children absolutely loved it and keep talking about it. Faith woke up exhausted on Sunday morning, and as she got ready for church she said 'Mum, I loved my party so much, can we do it like that again when I'm 6?' The answer to that is definitely 'NO' but I'm glad she really loved it. I did my usual PMI (pluses, minuses, improvements) when I got home (that sounds so geeky, but that's what I always had to do as a teacher after we completed things and it's in that reflection that future things can be better). Anyways, this is what Daddy Joe and I concluded
Pluses: Kids had a fun time, the venue was a good size, yummy food, water bottles (so many spills around the hall)
Minuses: Too many people, Bring a plate wasn't ideal, no microphone, no official start with housekeekping, no order with food or parent supervision
Improvements: Better with smaller number, better instructions and order around food time, microphone essential, wouldn't bother doing games again unless the number was considerably smaller

So here's the pics of how it went down

We had these 'wishes for Faith' on a table. Lots of people didn't see them, but we got about 15 filled out and what was written is priceless for my big girl

Some of the things written on the cards...

I hope you learn to laugh and love
I hope you aren't afraid to share your testimony
I hope you never forget your standards
I hope you ignore the temptations of the world
I hope you ignore negative things
I hope you grow to be whatever you want to be
I hope you get rich with Love!
I hope you become a great mother in Zion
I hope you laugh so hard your face hurts
I hope you never forget that you are a precious daughter of God
I hope you learn to love unconditionally
I hope you ignore others imperfections
I hope you grow in righteousness
I hope you get better at school
I hope you never forget your bag!

Party girl with the next 5 year old cuzzy, Riyan

Cuzzy Spency chowing down on Sushi. Wish there was a pic of him getting all up in the magician's space....he was so interested in everything he was doing and holding!

Cuzzy Kyky

Trying to do an activity with the 4/5 year olds (pin the nose on the clown)

Willoughbys all the way from Hamilton
Grandie tried to convince Daddy Joe he was over catering with the number of pizzas he bought.....then had to eat his words when they were sniffed down in about 5 minutes!

Uncle Carl and Aunty Natty

Bubby TJay downing a slice of pizza

The 4/5 year olds kids waiting for Magic Steve to make them a balloon sculputre

Pressie time....and boy was she spoilt despite requesting no presents. (we didn't want people to feel obliged to bring gifts, or feel like they couldn't come if they didn't have one, and besides that, she certainly didn't need 50 was all about having fun with friends and family, not getting presents)

Ethan, Marcus and Riyan with their balloon swords

Naomi, Me & Hayley....high school friends still going strong :)
TJay checking out the loot

Faith is so chuffed with this cool hat, now she doesn't have to wear her cousins ones, she's got her little sister fighting for hers instead!

And this is what she looks like when her sister comes and tries to get it off her!

Cuzzie shot, impossible to have them all looking at once

Aunty Nae and the 5 year olds (almost aye Riyan!)

Aunty Bex with 6 crazy critters

Aunty Natty with 3 little divas

Mummy and Daddy dropped the ball on a cake (sorry honey) so Aunty Natty and Uncle Kris saved the day, litterally 15 minutes before the party started! Thanks Willoughbys!!!!


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