Tuesday 3 September 2013

'I don't like my hair'

The other day my heart broke a little as my precious big girl expressed to me that she doesn't like her hair. We were driving somewhere or other and she just piped up in the back of the car and said 'I don't like my hair'. Boy did I feel sad. It's not nice hearing that she doesn't like something about the way she looks, and it's the first time I've encountered that as a Mother.

She went on to say that she doesn't like it cause it's crazy and it gets in the way sometimes. And what she'd really like is hair like Aunty Beezy's!!!! She's told me that a few times since, so congratulations Aunty Beezy, you win the prize of best hair for Faithy

It made me feel like Mum must have felt for years hearing all of her daughters say how we hate our hair and she used to say 'hey, I made that hair and I love it!!!!'

I'm so conscious that with girls I'll probably come across this many a time over the years, and I feel like I better do some reading up about self worth and uniqueness and how everyone's different and precious so I'm better prepared to talk to them about it.

I've heard that comment ring in my ears a few times, 'I don't like my hair' and I just hope I can buoy my girls up and help them to know and understand that they're beautiful no matter what.

And I truly do believe my Faithy's hair is beautiful. It may not be straight and it may not be long, but it's cute and curly and ringletty and it's just her!!! (and of course I agree with her, Aunty Beezy's hair is pretty cool too!)


  1. oh man as soon as I saw the title of the post I wanted to write a blog post back called "I don't like that you don't like your hair :(" So sad alright cause her hair suits her just perfectly. It's so much a part of what makes her Pod aye....she just wouldn't be the same with any other hair. I love it!!! & p.s she knows that the hair she loves of Aunty Beezy's isn't the real deal right??!!! lol..... All 3 of those pics of her & her hair are gorgeous, so you make sure you tell her that Aunty Nae would love beautiful ringlets like hers & I bet heaps of other girls would too. You just always want what you don't have!

  2. Ah exsqueeze me Nasal, maybe the hair she likes of mine is my au natural hair! Seriously though Im actually really thankful for my hair these days, especially how thick it is
