Thursday 5 September 2013

Crescent rolls with tomato, cheese and basil

Here's a recipe I tried out this week. (I saw something similar on Pinterest but changed it a little).
It was well enjoyed by everyone in the family so it'll be a keeper for us.


Crescent Roll recipe here. Basically it's a white bread roll that can be sweet or savoury...or a plain white roll.

Divide recipe into 3 and roll each out into a circle (I actually did 2 of these and kept the rest of the mixture for cinnamon rolls!). Cut into 8 pieces and put a little garlic butter on

Top with small piece of cheese, some tomato and one basil leaf

Roll up and leave to rise for another 20 minutes. Then cook for 12-ish minutes and serve immediately

They could also be made with a different combination of things inside, like ham+cheese&pineapple, roast pumpkin & mushrooms


  1. Mel, I love how you put things on your blog which I can try, I am going to try this one and the Gloopy stuff this week. I should start doing that more often too. Hey funny about the spider getting on tv you're famous! Keep up the cool blog entries! Love BEX

  2. Yum! I love garlic butter it's just one of those things that takes something to a whole new level it yuminess
