Sunday 22 September 2013

Summerland School update

Faith's second week of school has come and gone.....

-Mrs Lord says she's a star, a real leader and she's going to be so upset when she moves to her next class in 4 more weeks!

-She tells me often that she loves her teacher so much

-She's super keen with the reward system of stickers and tells me every day how many she's gotten

-Her teacher said she's confident but not too loud and bossy

-She loves to read her readers and library books

Subway lunchorder....very exciting obviously. It took a lot of explaining for her to understand this actually costs Mum and Dad money (she was insistent that her teacher gets it for all the kids). Eventually we came to an agreement that she can have one every second time the class is up for subway, which means once per month

Every afternoon (that I'm working) she comes to my room, plonks herself down and scoffs the rest of her lunch whilst groaning like she's starving
First ouchy at school, and boy was she taken with the whole sickbay experience. They called me from the office to go up and see her and when I got there she was banging on the glass window with a big smile on her face. She'd got her hand stuck in something on the playground and it was badly pinched and bruised :( Nothing some sickbay attention couldn't fix.
A record breaking whiz around the supermarket before getting the other 2 kindy kids
Seffy makes himself at home in her classroom, loving the special black chair that one lucky child gets to sit on. Looks a bit like he's trying to fight the 'boggle'

For the second afternoon in a row, we went from sissy's room straight to the playground. Seth gets his crawl on all through the bark (annoying!) and all the big kids play around him, while a few come up and talk/play with him. A little 5 year old last week loved him and kept carrying him around to look at new things. Seth didn't really love it but it was cute so I let her do it for a little while...sorry son!
All prettied up for the disco, straight from a quick change at basksetball (which they drew 4-4)

Quite hesitant but happy to walk around on her own watching everyone dance

Of course she needed to join in on the junk food like everyone else

Faithy and her 4 boyfriends!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just looked at this again coz the cuteness just kills me!!!
