Monday 13 October 2014

FHE - The Lord and Jesus Christ keep their promises

Our lesson last night was born out of our need to follow through with our threats, as parents of little children that often need consequences. Sounds kinda bad aye....we need to follow through with threats! But, it's so easy to say 'if you don't do a good bedtime tonight, you're not going to Rainbow's end for Jordy's party tomorrow!' Really? Surely they know we wouldn't follow through with that. Then they learn, Mum and Dad aren't really gonna do what they say so we can continue doing whatever we like.

With that in mind, this lesson was a reminder to us, to warn of consequences that we're prepared and committed to follow through with, and for our children to know that we mean what we say.

So we used to story of the 10 plagues to draw some parallels.

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ made promises to the Children of Israel. The Lord promised them he would bring them out of bondage. He kept this word. The Lord promised to send plagues until the Pharaoh set them free. He kept his word.

We talked about the story (using the Old Testament Children's Reader) and then I showed them cards that had a picture of each plague on them.

Faith wrote each skin sores, animals died etc.

We lined them all up in order after slowly reading the story from the reader
Then they had to close their eyes and I turned a few over. They had to tell me what was underneath....too easy for my clever cookies!
Then we finished off by having them all face down and turning them over from start to finish when we could say what was underneath. The girls were so good at it, way better than their Dad!

So I'm hoping that we all learnt our lesson last night. Mum and Dad - Follow through, Kids - we mean what we say!

Seth's little game at the end was to put the matching coloured beads on the rainbow. He's all about colours at the moment and we all know Ella's all about rainbows, so they both loved it!

The pinterest page that I got the idea from. Mine's a bit of a budget, rush job compared to this, but it was all I could rustle up with no pompoms at home on a Monday afternoon!


  1. So cool! I've used those plague printouts before for a sharing time way back when I was in primary :) Spence would love that rainbow matching activity. Will have to look that one up on your pinterest page

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