Wednesday 22 October 2014

Stuff Lately x17

After school gloop on the driveway

On Monday we made dinner for a family in Faith's class that had had a baby on Friday the week before. 4th baby....crazy times so I really felt I wanted to try and ease the load in some small way. And the girls were over the moon to be able to go to her house and run inside for 2 mintues

An awesome night with some of the 'old' seminary students from Takapuna Ward. So cool to catch up with them and see everyone's progress. One of the things I love about the church is the friendships you make with people of all different ages, and how even when you don't see eachother for a long time, catch ups are always so happy and warm

I think I've got issues......I tried to blame 1 bottle on my husband, but he insists it was all me. So this week we've had a sneaky ice-cream sunday desesrt, tomorrow we're having pumpkin soup and the next night we'll have Fettucine....gotta get through it all. And I think it's clear I need to slow up on the buying. I must subconsciously live in fear that I'll need it and not have any....nightmare stuff!
Spring Fling at Summerland last Friday (folk dancing for Year 1/2)
Faith's class, with her new teacher cause he last one's having a baby. Kinda hard to see but she's in the front/middle with the flower headband
Ready to go to St John's Cadets (Penguins). 'I'm quite nervous Mum but I'm really excited too'


Apparently they're working on their 'hobbies badge' so they played games and talked about their holidays. When we went in to pick her up she rand over to me and said 'Mum I want to come back every week!' So that's us....Jt Sohn's (as we used to call it) every thursday evening. Maybe until the novelty wears off... and I'm not exactly sure how long that might be.


1 comment:

  1. Oh man, can't wait to see hear how St John's went again tonight. Talk to you in the morning x
