Saturday 11 October 2014

Home School Week 2

Writing Prompt
Review of last weeks tasks

What she wrote on her own

Mum forced her to do a little more!

I got readers from the library so we could keep going with reading this week (without having school readers). She loved it and this week even Ella got some emergent readers. She's learnt 2 off by heart already!

I totally wish we'd done this before now. After 4 tests (over only 2 days) she's almost shaved 2 minutes off her time. I said when she's down in the 2s, we're going to add the rest of the cards so she's doing addition to 20. I'm really hoping it, combined with our problem solving practise will boost her Maths skills

She loved this so much that when I said that's it for today she bugged me for ages afterwards to make her some new questions.

When she saw her spelling words to practise, she got on straight away and did what they do at, cover, write, check. Then the next day we did the test where I read the word and used it in a sentence.....8/8! Too easy!

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