Saturday 4 October 2014

Home School Plan

After having a little chat with Aunty Nae last week about Mac and Faith's homework, I've decided to make some kind of plan for a bit of learning in the afternoons. Here's what I'm thinking...

Reader every day

Monday - Problem Solving
Tuesday - Basic Facts Flash Cards
Wednesday - Writing Practice
Thursday -Spelling Practice
Friday - Reading Comprehension

I've told her about it and she said 'Cool!!!!' like it's going to be really exciting. I'm anticipating that will last all of 2 seconds when I put her out on the deck at the table by herself so she can do her 'home school'. Then 'cool' will probably turn into loud, drawn out moaning like I'm trying to kill her slowly! Will report at the end of the week of how we/she did.

Writing Prompt

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet, you've actually put all the activities up for the whole week!! That's awesome :) I'll do the same ones & report back how Mac gets on
