Sunday 5 October 2014

School Holidays Week 1

Ready bright and early for Jordy's part at Rainbow's End

Sorry Son, a kindy day for you my love

Absolutely pooped after an awesome cuzzy day

Waiting for Grandie to some over last saturday.....they stood at that gate for ages talking about how much they love Grandie, he's so cool, when is he gonna be here?!?

Heavenly lunch for my hubby with Mandi, Tala and Manaia Lei

Great afternoon with Dad and the Tiras. Loved having them over!

My precious Faithy came up to be at about 4 in the afternoon and said 'I'm tired Mum' so I told her to go and have a sleep in her bed (didn't think she would), but that's exactly what she did. Didn't see her until about 2 hours later!

On the phone inviting Mac to go to Mini golf on our baby free day, which turned out to be the Ninja Turtles movie instead cause of the poo weather. Will have to try for mini golf next week cause we were really excited about it

Silly me, I thought it would be easy and fun to walk the kids down to the pharmacy to buy stamps to send Nan's letter. Anything but fun or easy thanks to Seth.....he's at such a terrible stage for running away and protesting. Please grow out of it quick Son!

A random 'go slow' afternoon for Seth. He set himself up for a sleep in the office and had a little nap, while all his cousins were here playing.

Loving the Smiggle set from Aunty Natty.....maybe the start of many smiggle things to come for my house of girlies

I HATE it when March 31st and September 30th roll around and we have to do paperwork for Rock FX. Usually I put it off until a day or 2 before the deadline of filing the return. For the first time ever I did it on the 1st of October to get it all out of the way. Gosh it feels good! Must remember that for next time

This little note in the receipts box cheered me up when I was right in the thick of it

Faith reading to Seth while he was in the shower one day last week

So cute....they set up chairs to have their afternoon tea on right in the middle of the driveway cause they were excited to be right there when Dad came home from work

Awesome lazy morning watching movies....just what Mummy ordered!

Loved to see this. I'd left Dallin lying down by their feet and when I came back into the lounge, sissy Ella had rested Dallin up right beside her!

Quick, clean up the bomb, Aunty Nae and Mac are coming over!!!!!
A fun afternoon date with my 6 year old besties. Turns out I actually really enjoyed Ninja Turtles....who'd have thought?!?!?!

A fun family date day at a wedding for friends of ours....Eddie and Robyn Manuel

Our awesome Bishop and his equally awesome and lovely wife!

Whose kid is he???? He is soooo hard to manage when we're out in public these days....he spent most of the time running up and down the dancefloor during the speeches

Dilly was good, but kind of lost it after about 4 hours. Time for bottle and sleep!

My big baby ended up singing I am a Child of God as part of the Groom's speech. Such a proud Mummy moment. Her Dad and I stood behind her, but she was the star with the microphone. Loved it how she whispered to me afterwards 'Mum I felt really nervous, but I still did it!'

Score! I got to bring home all the wedding flowers, about 60 vases worth of these beautiful irises and white ones....perfect for the 'Spring Party' Faith has planned for FHE tonight (more on that tomorrow)

Score for my hubby. He got to bring home a MASSIVE bowl of leftover food. He's made a huge dent in it, but there's still a fair bit left and he's loving it.....he's gotta be the king of leftovers in any shape or form

And it was my big Dilly Girl's 6 month birthday.....WOW!

And last but certainly not least, my Ella Bella surprised me with writing the numbers yesterday. Must be Stars Kindy where she learns all these things cause it's certainly not me. I think I'll try and start teaching her to read soon cause I think she'll get it. Sorry Faith, Mum wasn't that onto it with you!

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