Tuesday 7 October 2014

Kids must come first!

Not sure I agree with this.

I saw this on a blog the other day and I'm not entirely sure I agree with the whole thing. Definitely agree that the success of society depends on what happens in homes, and solid family relationships counts the most.....but I don't think that as fathers and mothers, our children should come first.....a close second perhaps.....cause I think husband/wife comes first! Well they should! Doesn't always seem that way with how busy households get, but I know when we put eachother first, we're happier and our children are better off as a result.

But in saying that, maybe this quote is meant to mean that family comes first, above other things like hobbies, work, holidays, gadgets, movies......and I definitely agree with that.

So that said, here's some pics of our Heke babies all taken within day or 2 of their 1/2 birthday

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