Wednesday 29 October 2014

Primary Presentation 2014

That time of year again and it was soooooooo awesome to help my girls get ready and speak in sacrament. Don't think I'll ever get used to seeing it and lose that excitement I feel as I see them up there
Faith's talk

Ella's one (colours chosen by my rainbow girl!)

Faith was well prepared and confident. No nerves, well not that we could see anyways. She did say she felt a bit nervous, but she appeared to have it all under control.

Her little sissy was a different story. Bobby knew her scripture.....she'd said it about 10 thousand times, each time with a huge smile and hardly a breath from start to finish. But the difference was that my little Bobby Red was nervous about getting up in front of everyone. From the practice the previous week, I knew it was going to be hard for her to do it so I had to really help her have the courage to rise above the nerves.....or help to calm the butterflies in her puku like we talked about. She knew she'd get the Frozen DVD if she did it (thanks aunty Natty), and she'd get a lunch bag afterwards. But I still didn't know if that was enough.

She walked back to me about 5 times crying and literally shaking because she was so scared.....we said a prayer, went to the toilet for a nervous one! and in the end I held her hand while she stood up and said her scripture. Sooo proud of you my darling! I squeezed your little hand while you did it so you knew that Mummy was there for you and you did an awesome job. One of my proudest moments as Mummy ever!!!

This little clown gatecrashed the lunch surprises there

Apologies for my girl's photo faces....not sure what was going on. Can't wait till there's little Seffy there in his suit and Dilly on the end in her matching white outfit!

She was pretty sheepish all day, nice for her to be a bit more on the mellow side of  the usual. (And she had to walk around with her hand in a cup of water all day cause apparently she hasn't been told enough that the hair straightener is hot and she shouldn't touch it under any circumstances)

Cute? Scary? Silly? Beautiful? Not sure what look she was going for here!

1 comment:

  1. Cool. Loved seeing all the pics :) So glad that she did manage to do it in the end even though she was super nervous! See you for dinner soon :D x
