Tuesday 28 October 2014

My big Dilly Girl

Sometimes I get left by myself when I really want to go to bed. Sometimes I cry about it, sometimes I just have a little nap right there and then

Immunisations.....done at home....straight to sleep for 3 hours afterwards. 

Typical daytime scene in our house....Dilly on the floor surrounded by some mess or other

Will not be sad to be over this stage my darling!

This is how we see her every night before we go to sleep. Right arm out, left arm cozy

Lovin' superwine style bikkies

Had been saving these for some kind of crafty project, but hadn't come up with anything and they were taking up too much space so they had to go....cool to see how much a baby drinks when they're on formula cause I've never seen this with my other babies.

Had to get a pic of these before I give them back. A good friend gave them to me before I had Faith. They'd been used by her son and daughter years ago, they're now about 19 and 21. So now they've been through my 4 children as well as her 2. Pretty impressive. I'm excited to take them back to her with a pressie in return

Always lip sucking these days. Honestly, she treats her bottom lip like a dummy. The other day she was asleep on me so I pulled her little lip out so she could relax and she started sucking it like crazy again, just like they do if you start to pull a dummy out
Sucking away....

Naughty Mummy put a piece of Whittaker's chocolate in her mouth.....

When I got home from the supermarket this morning and went around to get her out of her carseat, I found her eating some cinnamon donut, thanks to her big brother!
While I went outside to weed the garden with the big kids, cutesy little Dilly put herself to sleep again
She's been falling asleep in the lounge lately......wish I could snuggle up next to you and nod off too lovey

Pizza crusts, one of the best foods for her to do herself. Everything else only lasts about 20 seconds before she drops it.....not the pizza crust though, she went for a good 10 minutes on this!
We LOVE this girl.....my heart almost bursts when I play with her chubby cheeks and she beams back at me. I'm so torn between wanting her to stay like this forever and being so excited to see her grow up, see her walk, listen to her talk. The ongoing conundrum I face with all my babies at every stage....

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