Sunday 12 October 2014

Passionfruit Sponge Cake

This little beauty has been around my whole life, or at least as long as I can remember. Not sure about the origins of it unfotunately, but all I know is it's yum and it helps us celebrate Matthew, Kelvin and Vaughan's birthdays, and now Mum's too. 

4 eggs
1/2 C caster sugar
2tsp baking powder
1/2 C cornflour
1/4 C flour

Beat egg whites until soft peaks. Add sugar and beat until stiff
Add yolks and beat just enough to blend
Add sifted cornflour, BP and flour in 2 or 3 parts
Pour into well greased and floured cake tin (I do a standard size cake tin for half the mixture and then have to take it out and put the other half in cause I don't have 2 tins of the same size. I have put it all in at once before, and then sliced it in half afterwards, but now I just bake each half separately)

Bake at 180C until you can drop it and it still keeps it's shape. About 15 mins.

I'm fine with having this 4 x per year, but my family don't quite share my love for it. So I've decided each person is going to get their very own cake from watch this space when January 12th, July 10th, September 18th and September 28th roll around.

1 comment:

  1. Man that's funny your fam doesn't really like it!! I think I might just change Mum's cake next year cause all of us love the passionfruit sponge here & I can't imagine the boys having anything else. Can't wait to see what you make though!! x
