Saturday 11 October 2014

School Holidays Week 2

Faith loves reading scriptures at the moment. This is what I found the other day after she'd been at it....and she knows it off by heart!

Apparently a little boy at church has eyes for our big girl!

A little treat that we were able to drop off to Aunty Bex on her first week at her new daycare

Took this little cutesie pie out for our Mini Golf date on Friday but him and Faith had to tag along with me to the mall first to do a few jobbies.....every other second they were asking for something. Sorry Mac, this gigantic lollipop got a big, fat 'NO'

Who's taller?

We got a moment with this grubby, concretey, stubbly faced guy while he drove in between jobs

I think I can speak for all of us when I say we really really enjoyed mini golf. Will definitely take these guys back there in the next holidays....for the black course though aye Mac

Cracked me up how this little gem cracked up when she got on a roll and kept hitting it past the hole....I think one of them even got up to 13 putts!

And Mac was sooo cute...when he won a previous hole, I'd hear him say something like this 'Hey Pod, I'll go first on this one cause I'm doing real good...don't worry, I'll go easy on you!'

Pita Pitt for lunch....chicken, carrot and cheese

Chicken, corn and olives. I nearly didn't let him have the olives cause I didn't think a child would ever actually like them but as it turns out he really does

And this little Spency Spider came to meet us at Pita Pitt....yeeyah!

Lucky Faith scored a sleepover at the Leones....Sooo exciting!

Aunty Nae turned up in this out of the blue (her car was getting a warrant). Totally threw me when I was expecting the black truck and her and Pence got out of a little car. Maybe one day we'll able to have a little run about that's easy on gas and can get into any and every carpark

Lazy saturday afternoon mucking around at the park and field at the end of our street.....after a saussie sizzle on the deck

Conked out at about 5:15pm....had to wake him cause I couldn't have him do a sleep at that time and then not go down at 7pm. Was really hard to rouse him but we managed to do it with an iceblock
Mummy's gourmet meal for the kids.....simple, but soooo popular. Will have to do this one more often I think (by the way, it was a 'sharing platter',  not 5 pieces of toast and 2 packets of noodles per child!)

Saw this on my IG feed last night and had to send my hubby a pxt of it so he'd get it on the way home from Priesthood. No luck unfortunately. Everyone else must have wanted it too and they were sold out. Will have to try again tomorrow....won't be able to stop thinking of it till I get it.

Faith's sign for 'Conference Time Now'....the follow up to 'Kophrs time soone'. She walked around the house calling out to everyone with her board in her hand

Love, love, love watching conference at home!!!!

In church clothes, but very comfy, snuggling on the beanbag

Firi loved her conference booklet Aunty Beezy sent us

And Rainbow Brite loved the bingo board....we were pretty enthusiastically calling out when we heard words to check off. 'Scriptures, Scriptures, quick, he said scriptures, I heard him, hurry up!!!'

Conference Scones...delish. And we've got a roast in the oven which should be ready when the babies wake up. The perfect end to an awesome week. Not sure if I'm happy or not about school starting back tomorrow. Will miss having Faithy here and our lazy mornings.  Back to the hustle and bustle of having to get out of the house by 8:40am. I'm excited for her to get back to her friends and learning, but I'm also thinking 'Bring on Summer Holidays!'

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Loved that post & all those pics :) We're just about to eat our roast too, so will call you after dinner xx
