Tuesday 28 October 2014

FHE - Singing Time

I found these printables for our FHE last night. Time to make a family choir and family band!

The girls and I made a poor attempt to colour them in during the afternoon.....will do a better job later and laminate them when I get around to it.

The aim of the activity wasn't so much to sing hymns in perfect tune, but rather to have fun while singing about what we believe. I really believe that we learn so much through songs and pictures, so I want us all to be full of good lyrics, especially cause we like to watch music TV and the lyrics we hear on there are not so good (we have to change the channel quite often!)

Instead of just singing, we had 'instruments' too.....piano, recorder, bell shaker, little duck clapper and wooden spoon + pot

Because of the rowdiness during our singing with instruments, we finished of with 'I love to see the Temple' without instruments and made temples with our hands instead

Not exactly 'choirs of angels' type stuff, but fun to sing, bang, shake, play our way through some praises unto the Lord.

Refreshments was extra exciting cause each of us got our own trumpet......pretty cool cause the kids we saying 'it's like we went to the dairy and got one'....not the usual 'scoop of icecream in a bowl'

And we still haven't tried the Lewis Road Cremery Chocolate Milk......the hysteria around it is still going strong. I'm happy to wait until it's all died down, but Daddy Joe decided he wanted to try and make his own....750ml dark blue milk with a whole kingsize creamy milk. That guy never does things by halves! So chocolatey that it's still sitting in the fridge waiting for me to have a couple of sips a day!

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