Monday 27 October 2014

List Lady

I love lists....I thrive on them........They're me through and through. 
For groceries, day to day jobbies, checklists for packing to go away, party planning, you name it and I'll make a list for it!

This year I've really gotten into writing lists for what I want to get done in the week and checking it off when I get it done. Makes me happy!!!

Here's a new template I just made for myself (taken off the internet and put onto one page instead of 2 small pages like it was designed for)
Usually it's full of things like washing out x2, mop kitchen floor, groceries, FHE blog, get Faith's homework ready, plant vege seedlings, clear out Seth's wardrobe, pay rates......Welcome to my world!

1 comment:

  1. you're too cute! I used to be big on lists, but don't really use them anymore for some reason??? ...But I totally agree that crossing jobbies off a list is so satisfying!!! x
