Wednesday 14 August 2013

And more frames!

Over the past couple of days I've done some more frame painting and now the piano looks like this.... So happy to finally have a photo of Mum/Grandma in the lounge (doing her trademark thumbs up of course!)

I love teal at the moment obviously. Not sure what I'll do when that pot runs out. And it's the only one out of 5 test pots that the man didn't put the name of the tint on....annoying! I hope I can get the same one again cause I'm only about half way through the supply of frames so far.

The colour brings more life to what we already had on the piano, with a couple of extras (Mum and the wedding one of the 2 men in my life giving me a big smooch!)

This will be mounted on the wall by our drawers to replace the one the girls smashed one day when they were trying to sneak chewing gum out of a drawer. Not why they thought there was some in their Dad's sock drawer?!?!


  1. Not a bad place to look. I know my dads sock drawer has the hard out good stash of treats ;) lol

    1. haha, better than the undie drawer I guess. Maybe that's meant to deter sneaky little kids ;)
