Sunday 25 August 2013

I don't want you to die :(

Faith often talks about Grandma Ormsby, Grandma Julie, 'your Mum'. I'd say she says something about her every couple of days, if not every day for some reason or other.

Sometimes she'll just say out of the blue 'I miss your Mum Mum', 'Your Mum's really beautiful aye Mum' or 'I can't wait to wait to see your Mum'. I find it so sweet that she feels love and a connection with my Mum even though she's never spoken to her or seen her in real life :(

And it touches deep in my heart that she knows when I'm feeling down about not having my Mumma here. She sits right up beside me and cuddles me and says things like 'it's ok Mum, I'm here' or 'we'll get to see her again one day'.

Today at church she leaned over and started asking me about when I would go in the ground like my Mum. She asked if I would die on the same day as my sisters?!?! At first she said she'd be ok without me, and then a few seconds later she looked up and said 'I actually don't want you to die while Ella and Seth and me are still here'

I don't want to either my precious Faith!!!!! But I know that families can be together forever and boy is it amazing to know that when you miss someone like crazy!


  1. Funny coz Mac talks about 'your (my) mum' every couple of days as well & I always think how cool it is, but at the same time how sorta strange it is that he thinks about her so much when he's never met her in this life. Sooooo super cool to know that families are forever. I don't wanna leave my boys anytime soon either, but I CAN'T WAIT for that reunion with our beautiful Mumma xxx (& to meet our big bros!)
