Wednesday 21 August 2013

Ormsberry Family Stuff

A few bits and pieces of Ormsberry cuzzy stuff

Mail from the Stoners....Talk about exciting!

The $3 got saved up and used on Monday before Piano Practise for a special afternoon tea at the mall. 

Just about to use the special $3

Makky Wakky lookn' stinkn' cute as usual

He'd chosen his own socks for the evening.....Aunty Beezy's

Jordy with his cool little fanny bag, a frog I think

And Blue Piggy slippers. Wish I had a pic of Kyky in his pink Jammies, cute!

Best drink bottles we've ever had!

Thanks Aunty Nae, these kept Seffy occupied for quite a while. And now Ella's spread them all over the kitchen floor!

Faith's had a cough lately that is really bothering her (and me too when it made her throw up twice last night). She's loving the Robitussin that we got from Uncle Pete when we were in Australia last year so thank goodness for that. When she had it for the first time a couple of days ago I said 'Did Uncle Pete choose a good medicine?' And she said 'Yeah, he's a really good Doctor!'

1 comment:

  1. Oh stink about Pod's cough!! Did you have to change sheets or did she do it into a bowl or something? Glad the magnets killed a bit of time for lil seffy man xxx
