Thursday 8 August 2013

The most eagerly anticipated movie date in history

For the last month, Faith has wanted to go to the movies. Actually, that's not exactly true. She always wants to go to the movies, but for the past month, she's wanted to go and see Monster's University. She said she'd go to that one at the movies and see Despicable Me 2 on DVD. I thought that was a great plan until last week when her bedtime behaviour deteriorated to a point where she was told she couldn't go to see Monster's University at the movies anymore.

I thought that would tip her over the edge (actually that had probably happened long before when she'd been screaming on the doorstep and throwing shoes at it in the dark!). But surprisingly she took it quite well. When I finally put her in bed I asked how she felt about losing the privilege to go to the movies. She said it was ok, cause she'd lost that one, but now she'd change to seeing Despicable Me 2 at the movies instead. Fairplay I thought. Good idea......until about 3 nights later when she lost that as well.

She cried and cried about it like I've never seen her cry before. It was like she was really disappointed with herself, not hysterical, but really sad. I was so pleased that she knew why it had come to that and she accepted that it was over for that movie too. I told her that within the next week we'd try one more time to work towards a movie date.

And Tuesday was that night night.....Me, Faith and Ella left the boys at home and went out on a movie date! We were supposed to be going to 'Epic' because they've lost the other 2, but I pulled some strings and let us go to Despicable Me 2 afterall cause that's the one I want to see!!!

Faith had been insisting that I buy her a special Michael Jackson costume to wear to the movie. I'm not sure why she thinks she has to wear a costume, and I'm not sure why she chose Michael Jackson?!?!?! In the end we didn't go with the costume idea, just plain old jeans and tops and massive smiles!!!!

These lasted up until about the last 5 mins of the movie

Ella had 3 little rolls of mentos in about 3 minutes and then kept asking for more!

The movie was due to start at 6:40 and we ran into the foyer at 6:49 to see this line. I didn't know what to do. If we waited in line we'd probably be 1/2 an hour late into the theatre, if I walked straight up to the counter I'd look like a real diva thinking I'm so important that I can push in front of everyone.....what did I do?    Diva, and it worked a treat, except that once I turned around from the counter and walked back past everyone I couldn't make contact with anyone in case they were hating my guts!

Doing a little jig through the closing credits. She LOVED it. And watching the trailer on the internet so many times meant she could tell me what was coming up in the movie before it happened. A little bit annoying, but it did prove to me that she is able to follow a storyline on her own

Straight back down to Timezone

Good old Selfie cause the girls were too busy pretending to ride motorbike game things

Why do they still ask me for money on these rides? Haven't they learnt yet that Mummy ALWAYS says 'No'

One last fun little thing for the night, play around on the security guys golf buggy thing
Such a fun night! I think it was Ella's first movie and she did great. Maybe it's cause she thinks minions are really funny (and they are).

1 comment:

  1. I just started looking at this and thought, I have to talk to those girls!!!! So I got straight on skype but noone answered :( Cool movie date. I still haven't seen it but I want to!
