Wednesday 7 August 2013

Shopping with little people....argh!!!!

When I go shopping more often than not I have 2 children with me. I try to make sure I don't have 3, it's a bonus if I have one, and a dream if I have none! Just being honest, I'd rather not shop in any shape or form with my children cause they wander off, ask for everything their eyes see, whinge that they're tired, cry, need to go to the toilet, put random things in the trolley.....the list goes on...

Seffy's the best to go with cause he can't play up too much, but on the other hand I can't bribe him with a treat at the end which sometimes works with the girls.

Last week I went to Kmart to look for one thing, a compost bin for the kitchen
The girls love emptying it into the outside compost bin, a very age appropriate job for them, but I'm sure the novelty will wear off. Right now they are soooo excited to be asked to do it!

So, that's what we went to the shops for, and this is what Ella collected.... (she got two of each thing which was sweet, but they all got put back nonetheless)

Seffy just came along for the ride and every so often he shouted out 'Dadadadadadada' and 'Mamamamamama'


  1. Thats so sad Mell ;). I'd LOOOOOOOVE to go shopping with them. I bet they'd love to go shopping with Aunty Beezy too.

    1. your memory that bad B that you've already forgotten what it's like??!!! Yay Mell, you're doing daily blogs now :) (that sounds dirty lol) ....yea i TOTALLY dread having to stop into the shops with Spence & Mac's not much better. Solo is the way to go!!
