Monday 5 August 2013

The best shoe bargain ever

A couple of weeks ago I raced around doing some night time shopping. It never happens so I went crazy and bought 2 pairs of jeans, 2 belts, 3 tops and 2 pairs of shoes!!!

It turns out that although everything was bought in a rush between 8 and 9pm on a Friday night, I'm so happy with everything I got. I've never had such good jeans in my life, and the shoes are the best!!!!

This picture doesn't really do them justice but trust me, they're amazing. Perfect fit, so comfortable. And they can be matchy matchy with my tops or add a pop of colour to a plain outfit. You know what I mean aye Aunty Beezy. I'm actually thinking about trying to get more cause 5 is enough for now, but I'm already scared about what I'll wear when they die cause I've worn nothing else since I got them! Don't worry, that whole picture above only cost me $25......5 pairs of the best shoes for $25!

I'll save the best jeans ever for another blog, suffice to say that everyone is commenting on how I look really really nice. Maybe it's because I'm not in my grey trackpants every day anymore!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Very cool post! I know what you mean about being scared of when they get wrecked :s Nothing beats a good pair of pants I think. Not that you didn't look beautiful in your grey trackies!!
