Monday 26 August 2013

Faith Kathleen finishes up at Summerland Kindy

Faithy K K graduated from Summerland Kindy exciting. We've love Summerland and we're sad for our time here to end (but very very very excited about moving over to school in 2 weeks)

Now that it's full day kindy, there's a special fridge where you put your  food that needs to be kept cold....very exciting
Brilliant topic on healthy eating. This was just before they cut up all the veges and made soup for lunch

Last day.....boggle all day!!!! I went in at 11am to help her make her crown and playdough cake. Then off she went with a little pose of kids following her around like the coolest kid on the block!

This is the card we made, thanks to Aunty Nae for her idea, the teachers loved it.

And the gift we gave was a 1 hour magic show for the Kindy kids. They're going to try and book it for next week so Faith can see it before she leaves for good.

What fun song did she choose? 'Rumble down the track' of course

This is a picture on the wall at kindy. Spot Faith, or should I say Spot the child picking their nose!!!!

Straight to the mall for our usual hangout while waiting for Piano

And then over to the Hall's home for a special FHE

I don't think Ella's ever seen a computer game like this so she was loving it

On the way home 'talk, talk, talk'....silent

Brilliant end to a brilliant day from start to finish.
Excited about tomorrow's school visit now!
Better go to bed now so I can get up on time and make sure we're not late like we usually (always) are for Kindy

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