Friday 16 August 2013

Seth's first day at Stars Kindy...he's a big boy!

Seth had his first day at Kindy yesterday and it went amazingly well. I had no reason to think it wouldn't seeing as he's so easy and chilled out with us, but I was to proud of him when I went in to pick him up. I'd made Daddy Joe do the drop off because I couldn't stand to see his little heart break when I walked away. Turned out I needn't have been worried, he just crawled off and got stuck into playing.

As soon as I walked in just before 3pm, the lady at the front desk said he'd had a wonderful day and his teachers really enjoyed having him...yay!!!

When I got to his room I saw him playing by one of the couches and jabbering away to one of the other babies. His main teacher ran up to me and said 'he was the best baby all day!' (that was her exact words) My son, My Seffy Leffy was the happiest, easiest baby. Wow, talk about a cool fist pump moment for me. I was so excited to run over and scoop him up for a big cuddle and he gave me a gorgeous smile when I called out to him. What a little Star you were at Stars Kindy Son!

And he was even rewarded with his very first lollipop which went down a treat.....although it didn't quite get finished. It got dropped on the highchair tray as if he'd had enough of it and wanted some real food?!?!?!

Having his breakfast with no idea of what the day would bring....much more exciting than the usual boring day at home with Mum!

This is what he got sent to kindy with....hopefully those instructions were enough, they seemed to be!

Any my big Kindy boy with his lollipop as soon as he got in the car
 He won't be doing a regular day at this stage, but it's so nice to know that he can handle it, and he's a pleasure for his teachers.....long may that last my Son!

1 comment:

  1. Cutie pie Seffy boy :) So glad you had a cool first day xx
