Sunday 18 August 2013

Special Seffy Time

Mondays and Fridays are my special Seth days because the girls are at kindy from 9am-3pm so it's just me and him chillin' out at home together. I really love our one on one time together without his bolshy sisters to cramp our style. So what do we get up to when it's just Mum and Son time?

Apart from clean up the bomb that we've left trying to get out of the house in the morning, we do things like....

Walk to the dairy to buy bread and milk
Do the grocery shopping and then walk straight over to Mitre 10 Mega to look through the scraps bin

Then have a little play at the playground (my poor little man is often in PJs until the kindy pick up. Until he complains about that, why bother changing him?!?!?!)

If it's not raining we do the washing, and most days I do vacuuming. Good old dinner happens every day (sometimes I wish it wouldn't come around so quickly!), so I make that either while he's asleep or when he wakes up and he keeps me company in his highchair while I do it. I certainly like to make sure it's done before he's needy at 4pm-ish and he starts to crawl around my ankles....the dreaded little anklebiter in the kitchen is best avoided at all costs!

At Summerland Kindy we always stay for a play but it's getting a bit tricky because he can't walk yet and all he wants to do is crawl outside on the cold, sandy, hard concrete....annoying! He's going to be our slowest walker I think, which doesn't bother me until it comes to his desperation to get out the door as soon as it opens. That's his main goal in life these days. The poor little thing screams when he gets close to the door and I go and shut it :( Last week I'm sure that's why we had 2 grumpy days in a row....It's the angriest I've ever seen him, being stopped from going outside. He even resorted to lying down on the kitchen floor kicking his arms and legs around! Grandie heard that tantie over the phone and wasn't impressed

This morning while I cleaned up the kitchen I tried to get him into the Wiggles. It didn't work as well as I'd hoped so we'll have to work on that one.

I think both of the girls have gotten into the jolly jumper around 6-7 months old. Poor Seffy has been severely delayed unfortunately, but he got his first go today and thought it was .....interesting.....another one to work on!

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