Wednesday 28 August 2013

I'm the mother of 5 year old!!!

I can't believe it....Faith's 5! I'm excited for Faith that it's her birthday because she's been waiting for it for so long, but I'm also excited because now I have a 5 year old.

This is how her 'real' birthday went. (Because her party is on Saturday I've been trying to tell her that today is her real birthday and we'll celebrate it on Saturday with her party. She tells me I've got it wrong, today is her pretend birthday and the real one is  when everyone's coming to the Choir Chapel on Saturday...confusing concept I suppose)

She slept with me last night because on her supposed last time coming out to say goodnight to me last night, she happened to look down and see that the birthday fairy had dropped of her presents already. Major fistpumps from her over that! She tried to go to sleep, but about 45 minutes later she came down and said she was way to excited to sleep so I relented and said because it was her birthday night she could come in with me and we'd kick Dad to the bed in the office.

So after talking to Aunty Beezy and Uncle Pete on Skype till after 10, we didn't get to sleep until really late. Me and Ella woke her up this morning by singing Happy Birthday to which she rolled over and said 'I'm sooooo tired' Eventually she woke up and said it was really nice that we went in to sing for her!

These are her 2 presents from us before they got wrapped....some might call me cheap giving her things she needed for school. I call myself smart. She was stoked with both of them

Straight into the lounge to checkout the presents. Ella happy to see them, Faith angry that Ella was touching them!
Ella and Seth had daycare today so it was just Faithy K and Mel K to hangout....exciting for both of us
A quick whip around Mitre 10 for a couple of party things

Cause it's her birthday I said yes to a drink while we did the groceries. Happy Days

She asked for a quick ride (sit) on the ride on lawnmower. I said 'no' and she said 'but Mum it's my birthday and you said I could choose what we do, this is what I want to do!'

My goodness, she was over the moon to be at the pools, so cute to see her splash around and have a ball

Before the pools we did a spot of shopping at Kmart. I said she could choose a brand new outfit for her party. This is what she came up with....very cute and disco-y I thought....all her own choices

She had to wear her party t-shirt into the cafe cause we accidentally dropped her other t-shirt in the water at the pools. So boggly she got to wear it

Hhhmmmmm, what to get? She had chosen to go to a cafe which I thought was really sweet. We actually went to this cafe for her birthday last year too. A cool little tradition for us I think
I was just hoping she wouldn't finish it all so I could polish it off

I needn't have been worried about there being leftovers, this is what she passed me and asked if I could wrap it back up cause she'd had enough.....the little mousie bite up in the top corner was the best she could do!!!

Her choice of favourite dinner (that Mummy makes). Chippie wedges and chicken/mushroom/spinach pies

Seffy looks a little odd in the background, but birthday girl was chuffed with her dinz

Dad got her a present, the first one he's ever gotten any of our children I think!

A new perfume

Ella needed a present too, so she got a perfume as well. Daddy Joe's wrapping efforts consist of putting it in a sock with a work glove on top!

New party PJs, another tradition

Instead of a birthday cake, the girls tried to make kiwiyo (frozen yoghurt with lollies), except Daddy Joe didn't really know what Kiwiyo is so he brought normal yoghurt for it

Not quite Kiwiyo, but still a yummy treat

On the phone with Aunty Beezy all the way over in Australia

On the phone with Mac, boy did the dodge a bullet with this call. She was just out of her room to get a few books when the phone rang and she heard me pick it up....lucky!
Well my sweets, your big 5th birthday has finally come and gone (acutally you're gonna get the 4 day party cause your party's still on Saturday), but you're officially 5 now!!!!!

And oh my goodness there are so many many many things I could write about why I love you honey, but here's 5.

1. You have such a loving, sweet nature. You always care about other people's feelings and are quick to ask how they are if you sense someone's not happy for some reason

2. You are very quick to apologize if you think you've done something wrong

3. You love to ask Daddy and I to tell you stories from when we were younger. You always say 'tell me a story Mum/Dad' I think it's so cute you love to hear about our lives and you remember things we've told you and re-tell them to us later

4. You give things a go even when you feel shy or scared. I love that you fight the fear and do it anyway

5. You soak up the gospel like a little sponge, your prayers are full of Faith, you know lots of the articles of Faith, you know stories from the scriptures, and you love to learn more in Family Home Evenings.

I love you my big 5 year old Faithy....and we're so excited for your party when I hope you'll know how special you are to lots of other people too!


  1. Wow what a cool day! There are so many things we love about you too gorgeous girl :) Hanging out for your party on Saturday. Love the outfit you chose! p.s did you wrap her slice up for later Mell or just eat it lol??

  2. Woah cool as day!!!! and post. I LOVE the party outfit! I better not show Uncle Aaron the lawnmower pic though, he might be envious coz that ones so shiny lol
