Sunday 4 August 2013

Nursery Harvest

As the nursery leader I get to play around with little toddlers for nearly 2 hours every sunday. It's a fun calling and I think I'm realizing it will be as good as I want to make it. And last sunday I made it fun. I cleaned out the toy cupboard (yay!!!!) taught a lesson on 'I can be happy!!!!!' and read books about animals again (they can't seem to get enough of animal books). We even had our Primary music leader come in and do some songs with us which was really cool. Really neat that because Ella's the oldest and knows the songs, she was the little helper that started all the songs by going 'I am a child of God   1, 2, sing....'

And it all became more meaningful yesterday afternoon as I took the girls to visit 5 homes of children in our nursery class. Nevermind the fact that only 1 was home :(
 I really felt the spirit of caring and reaching out to others, and I'm excited to meet these little children who are on my roll but I don't know. I'm going to make some kind of treat for them and try again to do visits over the next couple of weeks. We had 5 children in class today but I'd love to have the 12 that I should have so we can all learn and play together.

I'm now aiming to do a new special activity each week so the children have variety in their nursery time. There's only so much colouring in and playing with blocks you can do right? So far we've done race tracks for the cars, putting pipe cleaners into a metal colander, playdough, making castles with moon sand (flour mixed with baby oil). It would be much easier to get the same old toys out every week but I'm sure there's things for me and them to learn in our 2 hours together so I want to put in more effort than that.

And my biggest goals for the children while they're in nursery with me is for them to know that I love them, and know that they're children of God and he loves them.

This is the moon sand I made a few weeks ago. Made a huge mess (easily cleaned up with vaccuum!) and the girls loved it, Next time I'll do it when it's nicer weather and we can go outside or put it out on a tarpaulin so they can play more messily with it
I'm going to drop this prayer chart off with the children when I take a little treat to their home, which reminds me I better get some stickers for them. If they're anything like Ella, they'll love doing something for a sticker
Me and Faithy K K when we got home from visiting

1 comment:

  1. Cute!! You'd be the coolest nursery leader :) Bet the kiddies already know how much you love them xxx
