Tuesday 6 August 2013

Family Jam Packed Weekend

Over the weekend we had a whirlwind and busy busy busy trip down to Hamilton. We were there from Friday at about 3:30pm to Saturday at about 9:30pm and we had a blast with our family for the whole 30 hours.

We started off at Millar Place where my 3 babies spent a couple of hours with their beloved Aunty Sarah and the boys while I went to the temple. Treated to pizza and playstation - they loved it!!!! I didn't get my camera out there which is a bummer cause it would be cool to have pics of how they hung out together.

Then we went off to Aunty Natty's for a bit before we called it a night. Ella got to stay there for a sleepover and boy was she chuffed with herself, if not a little nervous that Faify wasn't staying with her.

Faify came with me over to Aunty Bex's to chill out with Riyan and Naya and much to her delight they got to watch DVDs late into the night.

Saturday was the temple for me and Daddy Joe which we both thoroughly enjoyed + an afternoon hanging out at the Willoughby's. We loved it, I hope they did too! And we finished it off with a trip to Kmart and the night markets. Doesn't get much better than that! But actually it did - Aunty Crissa and Aunty Tan and all her boys happened to be there. Brilliant timing!

Oh and I had a great visit with the Pogais too. Always good to touch base with them and see what everyone's up too. Bonus to get a whole rubbish bag full of 2 year old clothes for Seth from Hunter. Getting all the clothes was exciting and it also made me long for the day when I know I'm finished having children and I can give away the 8 or so boxes of clothes sitting in my garage!!!!!

Loving watching DVDs with her cuzzies

Riyan had had a big day at Kindy so he didn't last long

Princess Naya

Bubba Jordy doing what he does best, lazing around with movies or games on. This was lunchtime on Saturday!

I hadn't left any clothes with Ella so she had brunch at a cafe on Saturday with boys jammies on and crazy hair....no worries!
Te Ironui neighbourhood crew

This was Ella's get up for the night markets. She was really chuffed with what she chose (not sure what she's whinging about), but it took her about half an hour and 20 changes of clothes before she got this perfect outfit

Kyky got a haircut at the markets and the girls stood right there watching the whole process. I know they really want to get their hair cut, but it grows at a snails pace so they might be 10 before that happens
He loves having his hair cut. Boggle the whole time

Jordy hates having his hair cut, grumps the whole time!

1 comment:

  1. lol @ Jordy's face :) Looks like Mac's when he's getting a hair cut too
