Monday 19 August 2013

Indoor sports are the one....Faith starts Miniball!

Last term Faith started Soccer. We went most weeks rain, hail and/or freezing shine!

Since the mid-winter holidays finished 3 weeks ago, we haven't been back for more mid-week torture. It's just too cold to stand outside in the dark every week. Too much for me and the kids I think. So we've given up on it (so annoyed about the waste of money, but oh well, would rather stay warm inside and get the kids fed and bathed).

Last week we started Miniball instead, well Faith did. Or should I say she skipped around the court and did the 'thumbs up' to me. She was so nervous to play but eventually I coaxed her onto the court with promise of a prize. Her eyes lit up when I said I'd get her a prize (I was thinking we'd go to the $2 shop on the way home, but as soon as I said it she looked past me to the vending machine and said 'k, I'll play if you get me a special drink!')

Finally got the singlet on her

But she wasn't happy about it

As I watched her I was thinking 'Uncle Sam, we need some pointers!!!'

Doing the cheers at the end was the best part aye Faith!

All worth it for the special drink

It was cute and so frustrating to watch. Kids with no clue running or skipping around, not a care in the world. Ball, what ball? Faith hardly looked at it let alone touched it!!!! But it was her first experience with Basketball, so surely it can only get better.

Who knows, if she keeps being tall like her Mumma, she might be a future Tall Fern. Then she won't have to say 'no' like I do when everyone says 'you're really tall, do you play basketball?'

1 comment:

  1. cool Pod!! Can't wait to hear how the next few weeks go :) You look so cool in your singlet
