Sunday 11 August 2013

The girls love dressing up

Both of the girls really love dressing up, in any shape or form.

Last week we popped over to the Christy's house and within 2 minutes Ella was running around the house in her undies, followed by a cute little mermaid costume
Faith loves this costume of Jordy's and a similar one of the Incredibles at Riyan's house. I think she's going for a Buzz Lightyear/Pirate combo here
With this safety gear on she walked around acting all rough and tough, a real little tomboy
I've been thinking lately that it would be cool if we accumulated some costumes over time because I'm pretty sure they'd get a lot of use. Yesterday at Spotlight, I found the girls enjoying themselves in the dress up section

Ella called this the 'bad bones face'

Faith made me go back and see that this is the one she picked as her favourite. I'm sure her Dad would be chuffed with that choice. When she was begging me to go back and have a look at something 'really special' I kept telling her I was in a hurry and we had to go. But she almost started crying and I could tell she desperately wanted me to see something that meant a lot to her. I wasn't really in a hurry, I just couldn't be bothered. I'm so glad I went back and showed her that I cared about it, cause she was so excited to have my attention and tell me all about it.
And Ella was choosing between Spiderman and Superman

When she asked if we could get one, I did my usual 'well, they're really cool and I know you'd love to have one, so why don't we ask the birthday fairy and she might choose one for you' As I was telling her that, I was thinking about how costumes are usually quite expensive so how would the birthday fairy manage getting her one?!?!?

Thankfully just then I looked down and saw boxes of random things already reduced that were a further 50% off.....and there were costumes in there! Yay!
I ended up getting a Dog, nurse, cowboy and Transformers costumes. They were $30-$50 down to between $5 and $15. They're not overly flash ones, but they'll do the job. They saw me buying them and I said the birthday fairy would come and take them during the night and if she liked them she'd bring them back to our house for their birthdays. They've already forgotten about them so it should be a cool surprise when they re-appear sometime soon.

I'm excited about seeing them do more imaginative play together as they get into costume and play different characters. It's funny and cute to watch and I'm hoping it'll occupy their attention for a good stretch of time!

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