Monday 12 August 2013

Sing-a-long times

We sing quite often round here, sometimes cause we're happy, sometimes cause we're grumpy and trying to be happy and sometimes just because.

Each week in FHE we start with a 'church song' and then move on to 'fun songs'. Here's our usuals at the moment.

Church Songs
I love to see the temple
Book of Mormon Stories
Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam
I belong to the Church
I am a Child of God
Primary Colours

Fun Songs
Taniwha song
Rumble down the track
Popcorn Popping
Copy me
Old McDonald
Little Turtle
Miss Polly
The Wheels on the Bus

I love hearing the kids join in with singing or start it up themselves at random times. Hearing them sing along to the radio is super cute cause their words are all wrong but they really get into it, especially Ella. She loves 'Justa be a reason' by Pink, 'Justas amazin' which translates to Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys. Right now her fave artist is 'Aunty Sarah' aka Demi Lovato!

This week Faith's primary class is singing in Sacrament and I'm so excited/nervous for her. I just hope she does it cause I know she's anxious about it already, not because she doesn't know it but because she's shy to stand up in front of everyone. My heart starts racing just thinking about my little girl singing in front of a whole congregation!!!! We've sung this song to each of the kids before bedtime since they were born, and they've joined in when they're old enough, which for Faith has been a while now. Hopefully she'll just be able to imagine she's singing with Mum or Dad in her room about to get into bed, not in front of about 200 people at the pulpit!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man do you think you could send her up to the pulpit with your iphone & get her to press record when she starts singing??!! I'd love to be there to hear it. Bet it's gonna be soooo cute! x
