Friday 23 August 2013

The girls said what?

Ella 'Mum, your Mum lives in Jesus Christ's land aye'

Ella 'Mum can I have a macaroni cheese sandwich?'

Ella 'Mum can I take my birthday sunglasses to kindy today?'
Faith 'No you can't, someone might take them off you'
Ella 'Nah, they won't, I'll get them if they try'

Faith 'Mum when our glass breaks just called Smith & Smith glass ok, they'll come and repair it for us'

Mum 'Faith why did you just turn the TV off, me and Ella were watching it?'
Faith 'Because I'm coughing and it's just really terrible that I feel sick'
Mum 'I know honey, but that doesn't mean we can't watch TV'
Faith 'Um, yes it does'

Mum 'Ella do your teeth'
Ella 'No, I don't want to''
Mum 'Well your teeth might go yucky and fall out'
Ella 'Ok I will. Mum don't let the police come and get my teeth out ok'

Ella 'Mum, Faith's birthday's in Auckland aye?'
Mum 'Do you mean August?'
Ella 'Oh yeah, August'

We do the Latter Day Prophets Song every night these days and the girls love when we get to David O McKay. Ella always asks if she can call that man 'Mac'

Supposed to be going to bed and I get asked this....
Faith 'Mum, can we have something to measure the hallway?'
Mum 'No, what do you want it for anyway?'
Faith 'I want to build something down there'
Mum 'What?'
Faith 'Well it's actually a surprise, but we want to build you a whole new house in the aye'
Mum 'What the heck, No, go to bed!!!'
Faith 'K, but when we're gonna do it we need to get the wood from Mitre 10 Mega and I'll need heaps of workers to help me'

If you say something that Ella thinks is a naughty word (ironic cause she's usually the naughty word girl around here), she says 'oh, Mamma Mia' That's what they've learnt to do at Kindy

Faith 'That's the church of death aye Mum'
Mum 'Why do you say that?'
Faith 'Because it's got a big cross on it, our churches aren't the ones of death'

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